Setup Instructions

Please complete this form to obtain your API Keys.

Getting Started

Please ensure you have a valid API key. You may apply for one using the link provided above. With an API key, you may access the widget through the following URL:

Most users prefer to embed the widget on their website. This can be easily achieved through an iframe embed. Users may choose to style the iframe to fit the website's design. We recommend the following styles as a good starting point:

border: 1px #00000030 solid;
border-radius: 4px;
height: 650px;
width: 450px;

An example of the complete iframe can be found below:

<iframe src="" style="border: 1px #00000030 solid; border-radius: 4px; height: 650px; width: 450px;" name="Uniramp"></iframe>

Query Parameters

The following query parameters allow users to customize the widget. In addition, the parameters can be used dynamically (eg. custom onramp_wallet for different users). This can be trivially implemented through URLSearchParams in JavaScript/TypeScript or other similar functions.

Selecting Default Crypto

Use the onramp_chain and onramp_crypto query parameters to select a default cryptocurrency. Please note that the usage of onramp_chain is required while onramp_crypto is optional. Some common cryptocurrencies and their corresponding query parameters can be found below:

Last updated