
Please complete this form to obtain your API Keys. Please submit your desired webhook URL on the API request form above.


To verify the authenticity of the webhook payload, you can hash (sha256 hex) the payload's body using the webhook's secret key. Once you've generated this hash, compare it with the value provided in the x-signature header. If the two values match, it confirms that the payload is genuine and hasn't been tampered with.

For verification, consider using this sha256 hash generator as a reference: https://www.freeformatter.com/hmac-generator.html

Example payload


'x-signature': 'xxxx'


  "id": "0261ca05-731e-4cc6-9cbd-69bcd828b721",
  "type": "onramp_cefi_transaction",
  "data": {
    "transactionId": "ed8d321f-e507-4ff9-b12f-59ff6de71f0c",
    "status": "processing",
    "gateway": "transak",
    "fiat": "sgd",
    "fiatAmount": "2000000",
    "fiatDecimal": 2,
    "payment": "paynow",
    "chain": "eth",
    "cryptoAmount": "103956047383166400",
    "cryptoDecimal": 18,
    "wallet": "0x000000000000000000000000000000000000dead",
    "partnerContext": {
      "yourContext": "xxx"
  "timestamp": 1691413686

Last updated